But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore

Professional solutions for your needs.

Photovoltaic systems and components.

We aspire to a future dominated by green energy, accessible to all.

Sustainable development.

I tend to believe that in the next 2-3 years, Romania will fully align with global trends in replacing conventional energy production with renewable energy production. Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, and solutions will diversify. I am excited that Aton Grid will be an active part of this transition!

Radu Dumitrescu
Operational Director of (AtonGrid 5 )

Calculate the right system.

choose us?

Who we are?

Aton Grid is the partner that provides step-by-step support on your journey towards energy independence, whether it's for residential or commercial use.

We are your trusted team that can help you properly size your system, whether you want to be a consumer or a prosumer, choose the best installation solution technically, and maintain your system functional and highly efficient. With the help of photovoltaic panels, you have the opportunity to reduce your electricity bills and actively contribute to environmental protection.


What can we offer you?

Top-notch services at competitive prices.



Install and

Satisfied customers!

Each appreciation brings us closer to our ideal!

We would be delighted
if you could be one of
our satisfied clients!

I want a photovoltaic system

I turned to Aton Grid for the installation of a photovoltaic system for my residence. There were relevant advice and support throughout the project. Unlike construction visits that often leave a mess and chaos, the Aton Grid installation team used disposable shoe covers when accessing indoor locations. I highly recommend them!

Alex Johnson


I found out about Aton Grid through an acquaintance. I chose to recommend them for the installation of a photovoltaic system on the roof of the office building where I work. Speed, support, competitive prices, professionalism. It was an inspired choice!

Emma Thompson


I chose Aton Grid for the installation of a 7.2 kWp photovoltaic system on my house roof. The process was straightforward. Filling out a short form with information about the house, followed by a site visit and technical details discussion. I received the offer, along with a simulation of the production throughout the year and a mini-project showing how the system would look on my roof, on the same day. After signing the contract, I had the system up and running within two weeks. Post-installation, I received advice on my consumption habits going forward and how to maximize the use of the system. The customer attention was top-notch!

David Miller
